Happy Thursday, Mommies!
Time to talk hair!
So recently, I decided to stop relaxing my hair and embrace my inner curly girl. It was a huge step for me because I've always had a little bit of an aversion to haircare. Relaxing my hair ensured that I didn't have to think about it much, and it made my hair care routine extra simple. Strange disposition for a product junkie, but I just can't seem to bring my self to care about it that much, and I still don't, actually!
I do, however, care about my Lovebug. Her texture is kinky/curly (type 3 in the front, type 4 in the back) and really thick. It was while researching products for her natural hair (more on those later) that I decided to stop relaxing. I began to wonder what kind of message I would be sending her by stressing the beauty of her hair texture while suppressing my own. Needless to say, it was time for a change!
During my research I discovered that shampooing is a big faux pas in the natural hair world. Apparently they're very drying and have a tendency to strip the hair. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm not giving up my shampoo! Never! Thankfully, I came across Ojon.